In this issue of Northern Now, we highlight the exceptional accomplishments of our faculty and alumni in sustainability, as demonstrated by our feature story on the Edible Campus program. It is programs such as this that make us proud of Northern Illinois University as a leading research institution, helping to make a better world.
To our newest graduates, welcome to the Class of 2024!
You have joined the more than 260,000 NIU alumni worldwide. Earning your diploma is just the beginning.
You are Huskies for a lifetime and can immediately reap the rewards of being alumni through new programs like CareerNorth, which can be found in the benefits section of CareerNorth is an online program that helps you discover and expand your business, technology and creative abilities.
You can enjoy a wide range of programs and events the NIU Alumni Association offers each year. Visit to see the wide range of programs and events offered in DeKalb, Chicago, the suburbs and around the country.
This fall we look forward to football season. Mark your calendars for the 117th Homecoming! Events will take place throughout the week leading up to the homecoming football game on October 19. Come see us at Mission’s Grove, adjacent to the Barsema Alumni and Visitor’s Center, for alumni festivities before the game.
If you want to know more about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, or ways you can contribute through service or philanthropy, email us at Whether you graduated this past May or are a Golden Huskie, the board and staff of the NIU Alumni Association are here to serve you.
We are always adding new activities, so let us know if there is an event or program you would want us to consider.
I have loved my time as the NIU Alumni Association president, but will be stepping down at the conclusion of my second term and assuming the role of Immediate Past President. It has been a pleasure and honor to serve NIU and our great Huskie family.
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