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A 25-member committee has been hard at work planning a year-long observance of NIU’s 125th anniversary. NIU’s 125th officially kicks off in January 2020, a century-and-a-quarter after the university was founded in 1895. A special website has been created to promote the observance, and a committee of long-time NIU employees and community members is identifying 125 key moments in the university’s history that will be rolled out throughout the year.

“Significant anniversaries like this one provide opportunities that should not be missed,” said NIU President Dr. Lisa Freeman. “This is an ideal time to ask people to think about why their work matters, identify the historic trends that help us anticipate new challenges and to unify around those moments that bring us pride.”

125th anniversary celebrations will begin with a kickoff event in January 2020, followed by a series of special lectures, exhibits and events at the historic Ellwood House, an NIU Day in Chicago, a special concert and a closing event in December.

NIU and community organizations are invited to create and/or brand their own events with a special 125th anniversary flavor. Those events can bear the 125th logo and will be included in the anniversary master calendar.