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We talk a lot about being proud Huskies. It isn’t very difficult; we have so many things to celebrate at NIU! One of the most impressive points of pride is the outstanding research happening every day at NIU.  Huskies are innovating, discovering and leading in a wide range of fields, from climate science to process management to education. Here are a few stories to highlight several areas of research, but it would take many issues to talk about all the ingenious and exciting things happening at your alma mater.

The points of pride don’t stop there. I encourage you to check out the various e-newsletters we send out if you want to always know what’s happening at the University. As highlighted here, our faculty are world-class, but our students are also doing inspiring things. They are artists, musicians, researchers, athletes, philanthropists, and volunteers. And, like many of you, they are doing it while studying and working. That’s because Huskies never quit, and that’s something I think we should all be proud of.

Go, Huskies!

Reggie Bustinza
Executive Director
NIU Alumni Association